Mosquito Bites Treatment Archives

Mosquito Allergies and Diseases

Mosquito Allergies and Diseases

Allergic reactions to mosquito bites are caused by the saliva protein found in mosquitoes. Symptoms are not always consistent and they usually depend on the amount of bites. The reactions can vary from delayed to immediate. The more severe reactions are not very common. However, it is important to know what these reactions are to avoid complications.

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Genetically Modified Mosquitoes to Help Combat Dengue Fever

Mosquitos are carriers of diseases like Dengue Fever. Scientists have announced that they want to release genetically modified mosquitos to counter this problem with dengue. The modified mosquitos were programmed to feed on Tetracycline, When these GM mosquitos breed with the wild population of mosquitos, they will produce offspring that will need tetracycline to mature and without tetracycline in the wild, their survival is not possible. The problem with these modified insects is its possible even to the ecosystem primarily on the bat population that is known to be their natural predators. It is likely unwise to consider this as an option in mosquito control unless otherwise proven to be safe.

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Enemy Sighted: Get to Know a Mosquito

Enemy Sighted: Get to Know a Mosquito

There are 3 major types of mosquitos when classified to their breeding areas or places. Through this classification, the diseases they are known to carry and transmit are also known. Prevention from the harmful mosquito bites and the spread of such diseases is easily practiced once you know where these mosquitos lay their eggs.

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New Weapon Against Mosquito Bites

New Weapon Against Mosquito Bites

The main goal is to create more effective means of protecting humans from the diseases that mosquitoes transmit. In certain parts of the worlds, mosquitoes have killed thousands of people and this trend will continue unless innovations are introduced in pest control.

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Malaria: The Lethal Bite

Malaria: The Lethal Bite

The parasitic malaria affects people to mosquito bites and is asymptomatic inside the body until such time that it makes its move to take over the body. The symptoms that a victim is experiencing are commonly due to the release of toxins inside the body when our defenses, the White Blood Cells, fight against the foreign invader malaria. When left untreated, malaria can kill its victims. Quinine is one of the only drugs that are known to kill the parasites that cause malaria once it has invaded the human body.

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How to Get Rid of Mosquito Bites Scars

How to Get Rid of Mosquito Bites Scars

Mosquito bites can sometimes cause scarring on the skin. This is due to tearing of the skin from too match scratching, or as a result of a severe allergic reaction to mosquito bites. Watch as expert dermatologist and author Loretta Ciraldo instruct about what you can use to treat fresh and old mosquito bites, and get rid of scars.

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How to Treat Mosquito Bites

How to Treat Mosquito Bites

The main reason why we would want to treat a mosquito bite is because of the itching. Most of the time, the itch is intolerable, making it hard for us not to scratch it. And it’s very important not to scratch since it can cause wounds to open, aggravating an already annoying problem. What then are the medications available for mosquito bites?

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How to Make Mosquito Bites Stop Itching

How to Make Mosquito Bites Stop Itching

Mom always says to never scratch an insect bites such as from mosquitoes, but isn’t that a little hard to do? After a bite, the affected area of your skin can itch like crazy. The red bumps that form on your skin are actually your body’s allergic reaction to the mosquito’s saliva, and sometimes it gets unbearably itchy. Luckily, there’s a simple solution to reduce the itching from a mosquito bite.

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Mosquito Bite Treatment

Mosquito Bite Treatment

Mosquito bite allergies can range from a small delayed reaction with swelling, or may be as adverse as when a person goes into an anaphylactic shock. But whichever the case, it helps to know how you can treat a mosquito bite allergy. Read through this article to know more about how you can treat allergies from mosquito bites.

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