Allergic to Mosquito Bites

As the female mosquito inserts its syringe-like proboscis into the skin, it also releases saliva in the blood stream. This saliva, when mixed with blood creates a reaction which results in itching and swelling. This allergic reaction comes from an anti coagulant that a female mosquito injects into the skin to prevent the blood from clotting. Protein in the saliva is also considered as an allergen. Reaction to mosquito bites depends on the number of bites and the amount of time it took place. In some instances, allergic reactions are felt a short time after the bite. In other cases, the reaction takes longer. A person who does not instantly have a reaction may feel itchiness in and around the area. For others, a mosquito bite will typically appear as a very red swollen bump that itches. While the itching of the skin after a mosquito bite is normal, there are people who are especially sensitive to them.
This video shows what happens when the mosquito stings and is searching for a blood inside the body. Note the flexible snout of the mosquito probing around to find the blood vessel.
In these worst case scenarios, a person allergic to mosquito bites can sometimes fall into an anaphylactic shock; suffer from urticaria, and angioedema. While these may sometimes be deadly, they can be overcome through mosquito bite treatment and medication.
Skeeter Syndrome
One other adverse reaction to mosquito bites is called Skeeter Syndrome. This is a type of allergic reaction to mosquito bites wherein the area around the bite will become inflamed and swell.
A lot of people mistake skeeter syndrome with cellulitis which somewhat feels and looks similar. And it is for this reason that people who are suffering from skeeter syndrome to feel alarmed by the swelling. However, note that cellulitis takes more time to develop than skeeter syndrome. Cetirizine Hydrochloride is an effective oral anti-histamine and can be taken everyday during summers and helps deal with mosquito bites and its immediate allergic reactions.
What Causes Skeeter Syndrome?
As mentioned earlier, skeeter syndrome is an allergic reaction. While the bite itself is not the cause, the protein which is injected by the mosquito while it bites can cause some sort of reaction in your body. Allergenic polypeptides in the mosquito’s saliva trigger this reaction which can sometimes become delayed. The allergic reaction causes area of the bite to swell much larger as compared to a regular mosquito bite. In some cases, bites from the arm can cause the entire arm to swell much like a bee sting would do in some cases.
Along with the swelling, other symptoms of the skeeter syndrome includes blistering of the mosquito bite, with oozing discharge from the opening of the bite. And while there is no proven method to stop the swelling, what you can do is to not scratch the affected area. While there is no exact treatment for the swelling, what you can do if you get the skeeter syndrome is to refrain from scratching the affected area. An after-bite medication like CalaGel: Medicated Anti Itch Gel can also be applied around the swelling to prevent itching. Skeeter syndrome usually eases down after a day.
But if the symptoms persist, immediately see a doctor for treatment. People who spend a lot of time outdoors are more likely to be exposed to mosquitoes. These types of people are also prone to mosquito bite allergies. There are other reasons, however, why a person may have a severe allergic reaction to mosquito bites. People with very weak immune systems or immunodeficiency can cause adverse reactions to anything –even the slightest thing such as a mosquito bite.
Applying Cutter Backwoods Insect Repellent 25-Percent DEET on areas of the skin provides a time released protection against bites for up to 10 hours . This spray repellent contains 25-% DEET and allows for quick & easy application. It is important to keep in mind that DEET may cause skin irritation on people with sensitive skin and shouldn’t be worn under clothing. It could even result in possible side effects like skin blisters, slurred speech and sometimes even seizures or coma. If you are sensitive to DEET or other ingredients in a repellent we recommend an all natural mosquito repellent.
Children, especially babies, are very sensitive to mosquito bites. Using safe natural mosquito repellent for babies can be their first line of defense against these harmful vectors of diseases. Adults, on the other hand, slowly develop immunity to the bite, thus, the swelling and itching might not be as irritating or itchy. However, if you have gone a long time without having experienced a mosquito bite, you might suffer a slightly stronger reaction towards the bite. Itching and swelling is a normal reaction. But if you are one of those people who suffer from an adverse allergic reaction towards mosquito bites, always take precaution whenever you go outdoors or anywhere you think you might get bitten by a mosquito. If you are looking for a natural repellent I would advise you to use the All Terrain Herbal Armor DEET-Free Natural Insect Repellent which is a natural insect repellent and proven to be 100-Percent effective for two hours. This Natural Insect Repellent is made from a mix of Natural Essential oils and has a very nice scent which mosquitoes hate. Here are a few effective mosquito bite prevention tips:
- Before stepping out, always make sure to apply mosquito repellent on your skin to prevent mosquito bites.
- If you are into organic products, there are specialty stores that also sell natural repellents against mosquitoes.
- Strong scents will attract mosquitoes and other insects. Mosquitoes are attracted to strong smell. If you are going camping, you can do without your perfume or cologne.
In the case of un-avoided mosquito bites however, there are a few things you can do to relieve the itching. Applying vinegar on the swollen welt will relieve you from the itch. Toothpaste works too. See more tips on how to make mosquito bites stop itching. It is also recommended to sleep under a Mosquito Net to protect yourself against Mosquito Bites especially when you are traveling. Mosquito Nets can also be very decorative inside the house so it can have a double function. Visit for Quality Bed Nets.
I am allergic to mosquito bites they puff out and swell up and pus. My solution is to NOT put ANY:lotion, perfume, cologne, body mist…… any thing you can think of that contains any type of scent accept for good old off bug spray. 🙂
I’m also allergic to mosquito bites, and I get bitten very often for some reason. But THERE IS something you can do about it that will almost completely stop the swelling. It’s Benadryl Extra-Strength cream. It works miracles.
I use to not be allergic to mosquito bites. But over time and the more I get bitten the worse it gets – I think its called sensitization? Anyway, it used to swell up a little over time, then it would swell up AND leave a mark behind after it disappears, and the last time I got bitten (today), my entire finger was swollen and I could not bend it anymore. So I know for sure that it gets worse over time. Now my question is, since its getting worse will it get to the point that I will have a severe allergic reaction and can’t breathe no more or go into a shock?
Always avoid the strong urge to scratch the mosquito bite area because that might prolong the effect.
Skeeter Syndrome is a severe reaction to mosquito bites. It occurs as blistering eruptions, bruises, or large swellings. If you are suffering from a huge area of swelling, for instance whole leg or belly, you are likely to have Skeeter Syndrome. Anaphylaxis is another allergic reaction to mosquito bites where the whole body is affected and where asthma symptoms can escalate. I don’t think it will go as far as that you cannot breathe anymore. However I would recommend you to see a doctor to determine if you have one of the above allergies.
I am extremely sensitive to itching and mosquito bites. sometimes I itch just because the little bugger just landed on me. I have been attempting different itch creams and solutions. and even the benadryl extra strength cream doesn’t help much. I don’t know what to do anymore.
If nothing works try to read our Ebook with tips with real solutions that show How to Repel Mosquitoes and Remedy Mosquito Bites, the natural way. Simple yet effective, these solutions come in many practical ideas that work. Take care!
My 4 yr old son is allergic to mosquito bites as well.. it’s nice to know that he’s not the only one that is allergic to them. His reactions include pain immediately after bitten, swelling, blistering, and puss. He’s an active 4 yr old, so most of the time, the blister will usually pop.And it always leaves a scar. I just wish that I knew how to stop it from happening to him.
Have you tried a natural bug spray with Citronella Oil, Eucalyptus Oil, Lemongrass Oil, Rosemary Oil, Cedar Oil or Geranium Oil? There might be something that your kid likes on his/her skin which will keep the mosquitoes away.
My 8 month old gets huge welts that ooze blister and pop. I can’t get an appointment with the allergist until October. Now I’m wondering if it is not an allergy to mosquito bites. The entire area around it is huge and red. My poor baby. Pediatrician says def some kind of allergic reaction
When kids scratch on mosquito bites, it will swell up and get worse just as you explained. Your appointment with the dermatologist will take some time so try to come up with some preventive ideas for now such as using a mosquito net at night. If you purchase a bug repellent for your baby, I recommend you to use a natural repellent. Hope this helps!
Take 2 Benadryl at night, go to sleep, and you will be good as new.
I have tried this and it doesn’t work for me. Thank u
If you take two extra strength as soon as you’re bitten, it should help with the reaction, (if that’s the problem). It won’t make it go away, but it will keep the swelling from going out of proportion, and keep the itching and pain from becoming unbearable. It all depends on what your body works with best. I carry Benadryl at all times, because if I don’t take something right away, the reactions get horrible. Your doctor might recommend something else for you, though.
I was recently bit on my hand and neck up around Jasper Alta. The initial reaction was the usual little white dot, until it started to expand rapidly. Within 2 minutes, it was about an inch across, after about ten minutes my whole hand had begun to swell up looking like a boxing glove. I took 2 5mg antihistamines when we got to jasper about half hour later. 3 hours later when I got home to Calgary, I facebooked a picture of my hands side by side and a friend of mine from the Kenora ont hospital messaged me back right away very concerned it looked like it needed immediate medical attention. He told me the standard dose for ER was 50mg of antihistamine, so basically the whole package. I did as he suggested and by morning the swelling had begun to reduce. It was scary, at the point I was chatting with him, I had begun to lose feeling in my hand. If this is what’s called Skeeter Syndrome, then I have it really bad.
I woke up with swollen eyelids. The only unusual thing that has happened in the last 24 hours is that i got a couple of mosquito bites. Could an allergic reaction to them be causing the swelling?
If you were bitten on the eyelids, then an allergic reaction could have definitely caused the swelling. Try to alternate cold and warm compresses or try a warm tea bag. Never put it on your eyelids when it’s hot. Any kind of tea will do and take some Benadryl. If nothing seems to work or if it gets worse it may be time to contact your doctor.
I should have said the bites are on my leg not my eyelids.I asked if a reaction could be causing the swelling because the eyelid swelling happened once before a few weeks ago and the only thing the two instances have in common as far as I can tell is that I got bitten by mosquitoes around the same time both days. I assumed i got bitten on the eyelid as well the first time but now both lids are swollen not just one and it isn’t itchy or anything. I’ll try the compresses and the tea and contact my doctor thanks for the advice..
Im Kristelle,16 years old..I dont really know about mosquito allergies.But I am very curious about it,for I have a different mosquito experience than any of my friends..My whole legs have been devastated by scars caused by mosquito bites.When I am bitten,it is so itchy that I couldn’t help myself to scratch it and when I’m done scratching, the mosquito bite will spread and will cause swelling..I have tried using some products containing N,N Diethyl-meta-toluamide,but I guess it still doesn’t work.Sometimes I envy my friends,because they can wear short dresses and skirt,while me-I always wear long pants to hide my ugly legs..I even come up to have this feeling of being frightened to show my legs to other people.,to think of what if they bully me.. Can someone help me? 🙁
Hi, Kristelle
Sorry to hear about your mosquito bite problem. Let’s try to find a way to soothe the itchiness so that you do not end up with more scars. Then, you can follow the following tips and take precautionary measures to prevent you from being bitten again.
Remember that scratching a mosquito bite will ONLY give temporary relief and it will always get worse. Scratching leads to inflammation which can later result to ugly scars. To avoid this, try using these home remedies first.
If you have multiple bites, wash the bitten areas with soap and water.
To relieve the itching and swelling fill a baggy or towel with crushed ice and apply it gently to the bump (never put any ice directly on the bite!).
To treat the mosquito bites and the inflammation that goes with it, you can use essential oils to soothe your skin. You can also use banana peelings by pressing its inner side to the bump. Let it stay for around 5 to 10 minutes. Rub the peeling gently on the bump to relieve the itch.
To prevent mosquito bites in the future, read the tips on how to prevent mosquito bites in this website. Good luck!
is there a way to make the mosquito bite scars go away? like gradually applying a cream or a homemade treatment to make them fade away
Yes you can use a cortisone cream or even better yet: natural cocoa butter moisturizer which will get rid of dark mosquito bite scars. For recommended products please visit our How To Get Rid of Mosquito Bites Scars page
Sssting stop gel works wonders. Calmoseptine oitments helps dry them up fast and treat the itch
A good cure for mosquito bite scars is too tan. Natural sunlight is best I think because of the vitamin c. Though I’ve never tried a tanning bed. I get a lot of scars every summer but after I get a decent tan, they disappear. But I don’t use sunscreen either. I don’t know if this will work for everyone but it works for me even on bad bite scars.
I am 33 years old and had always had normal reactions to mosquito bites until last summer. I got what I thought was a spider bite on my arm. It itched, then swelled into a circle about 4 or 5 inches in diameter. I saw my doctor and they prescribed an antibiotic and a corticosteroid cream to help relieve the itching and swelling. I know have another bite, this time on the back of my thigh. It looks exactly the same as the place on my arm. This time I know I was bitten by a mosquito because I squashed it. Is it normal to develop such a severe allergy at this age of life? Could there be an underlying cause that hasn’t reared its head yet?
Hello Mary,
A spider bite normally affects a larger part of the skin compared to a mosquito bite. You can check if you have been bitten by a spider if you see two tiny identical incisions close together at the bite mark. Usually a spider bite doesn’t really itch but feels sore and painful, they also appear darker in color on the affected area whereas a mosquito bite is normally characterized by bright red/pink swelling and itches which causes you to scratch open the affected area resulting in an infection. You may have gotten an allergic reaction from the antibiotics but you need to see the doctor immediately who treated you to confirm this. Meanwhile try to use a natural mosquito repellent to avoid anymore bites.
I’m curious about Mary Jo’s other question though. Why, at 33, does she suddenly have this allergy? I’m curious because this summer, at 37, I can’t seem to get a mosquito bite that doesn’t swell up and get sore. I too thought it was a spider bite but only because the reaction was so intense & unlike my normal mosquito bite experience. Swelling up is the best case; if I scratch at night inadvertently, I could wind up with a quater-sized pus-filled blister. (Sorry.) Any thoughts on developing the allergy well into adulthood? Thanks.
Mosquito Bite Allergies can be developed well into adulthood because people haven’t been previously exposed to a specific type of mosquito. The Asian Tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) is one of those aggressive mosquito types which are very effective at spreading illness. Typically, most people have a variety of reactions to these kind of mosquito bites, and symptoms can change over time.
I, and many of my friends, and their children, have suddenly begun having these severe reactions as of this summer. None of us had such severe experiences in the past…. Something very odd about this summer.
Hi Heather, as i mentioned before it might be because of the invasion of the tiger mosquito in your neighborhood. The Asian tiger is more aggressive and the bite from one of these mosquitoes is said to be more painful than that of other mosquitoes and can carry a number of diseases. Follow the tips on this site on how to keep your property free of potential mosquito breeding areas.
I agreed on “something od about this summer” issue. I have never experienced anything before. (I’m from Türkiye by the way, Aegean cost. My first “strange bite” was 5-6 weeks ago. It took 6 weeks for the bites to get well. Hard , itchy and i had scars behind my legs. It was really annoying and i just took it as “another mosquito bite, again, it happens evert summer, maybe another kind of insect…kind of comments..
And and and…yesterday it happened to me again but this time they are bigger than normal, red and itchy. At the center it is kind of spreaded red, darker red and it is surrounded by wider area of red color.
There are two bites behind my legs , just above the lower leg . One is more swollen than the other. Another i have on my upper right arm which is also itching bad, it is hard inside.
And more “scary” one i had behind my right ear. It’s not itching but it is hard. Once i thought it is something else but i never thought of mosquito bite.
I will go to the doctor tomorrow because i know from my previous experience that they will be itching for at least 5-6 weeks and i don’t want that.
I have never experienced anything like this thing. I need some information about it and i found this site. I’m now very interested in Heather’s comment of “is there anything abnormal about these mosquitoes of this summer?” Also here?
Greetings and please inform if you hear anything new about this…Asian tiger? We are at near asia here, far from china japan etc but if that tiger mosquito issue is here, i will try to learn if more people is experiencing the same problem like i do, or maybe i am allergenic to mosqutoes , I was not allergenic last year. :/ It’s really annoying. I hope i don’t have allergies for mosquito bites. After i go to doctor i will add more information here.
I have been having similar reactions to bug bites, and like the other posts have mentioned it has only affected me this summer. (I’m 38 yrs old -wonder if this has something to do with age or not?) It started with a bite on the back of my left leg. Nothing relieved the itch so I used hydrocortisone. This made it worse, in fact a large pus-filled blister began to form. The humidity that day may have also irritated it. I popped the blister, soaking it with warm water and covered it with a band-aid. For about a week I kept it covered, changing it daily. Then I contacted dermatitis, finding out that I was allergic to the adhesive in bandaids. An itchy rash formed where the bandaid was. The only thing that didn’t irritate my skin was Benadryl cream. After a month it finally healed though there is still a scar. I thought my worries were over, but just as my left leg was healing, I got bitten again – this time on the other leg! And just as I feared, another blister formed, even as I tried not to even touch the bite. I know it will heal eventually, but both my legs have swelled slightly as a result of the pain. Needless to say, this summer and fall have been kind of a nightmare :(.
Have a two year old child that got hammered with mosquito bites (even with a ton of bug repellant, the bugs are brutal right now with all the rain!) and now has a mild rash on his back. Do you think it is related or are we just looking at a heat rash?
Hello Dawn,
Red spots or bumps are often mistaken for insect bites.
Heat rash is best treated by keeping your child in a cool, dry area.
However if there are a lot of mosquitoes around and you are sure that your child got bitten and is causing irritation and itching over the site of the bites, make sure the child does not scratch them open.
To relieve the itching, wash the bitten skin with antibacterial soap, dry the skin carefully and then use some sort of cold compression like an ice pack, or you use a towel, or t-shirt to hold some crushed ice cubes. NEVER put the ice cubes directly on your child’s sensitive skin!
A severe skin rash caused by mosquito bites could be a type of allergic reaction.
Is the rash similar to blisters and bruises, with redness and itching around the bitten areas then I would suggest to go see a doctor immediately.
I came to hawaii to visit my boyfriends family and we went hiking in the rainforest and I got so many bites on my legs. I had a few on my foot the other day and the didnt give me the symptoms I have now. I felt fine earlier but now my legs feel very hot everywhere and I have a bit of a headache and my head is kind of hot as well. I’m laying down with the fan on blast and my arms and hands are cool except my legs and head. Is there something I can do to alleviate these symptoms ?
Go to a doctor. You might have contracted Dengue Fever. Dengue Fever signs are severe pain in the limbs, headache with pain behind the eyes, backache and sometimes stomache pains. There is no specific medicine or antibiotic to treat Dengue fever. After seeing the doctor and if you are diagnosed with Dengue Fever you must rest and drink lots of fluids because adequate hydration is important. Aspirin can help to alleviate the pain. Take good care of yourself and get well soon Brooke!
my 12 month old daughter got a bite on the foot by a mosquito and it started to blister almost 4 days later. Is this normal? Took her to the Dr and he gave me an antibiotic cream and told me to soak it in Epsom salt. She is always on the move so that’s not going to happen. Should I be worried that it may be something else since the blisters took so long to develop and haven’t really gotten better?
Blisters can appear a couple of days later after the bite has been scratched or picked on. If your 12 month old doesn’t scratch open the blister it will most likely heal fast.
Try to discourage any scratching by placing a clean bandage over the blister after the treatment your doctor has advised.
Keep the sore clean on a frequent basis and keep it lightly covered until it heals. This can take a couple of days.
Try also using a cold compression before putting antibiotic ointment which should alleviate the itch. Make sure that your toddler avoids sun exposure as much as possible.
I’ve had an allergic reaction all my life. They usually swell and spread to maybe 10cm. For the first time ever I now have a 25cm covering my calf. This is the worst it’s ever got, on antibiotics for it now. Main worry is that I’m going to Cuba in three weeks which may the worst trip ever! A UK one did this to me!! Got a few repellant and even one from India. Am hoping Incognito will be a good one! I use Benadryl cream too, it’s very good at calming the itching. This one doesn’t really itch, it’s burning, fingers crossed it goes down!!
Hi Sharon, take a repellent with you that contains 50% Deet in Jungle or Tropical strength form. I would also advise to take a Travel Mosquito Net with you. After-bite lotion and Cetirizine (antihistamine) tablets can help to relieve itching and swelling if you have been bitten. Benydryl cream is a good brand. Best wishes and hope you will have a mosquito-safe vacation!
I went to a BBQ on Saturday (sat in a lawn chair in cut grass)…had never experienced so many mosquitos in my life!! I was getting bit constantly for the duration of a movie (despite putting on bug spray 3 times). Sunday I woke up with 50 plus red bug bites all over my ankles and up the back of my left leg. I have a few bites up by my arm but not many. They look like chigger bites (which I’ve had in the past) but unlike chigger bites they do not itch at all. The odd thing about the bites though is that each bite has a pale circle around them. I have no idea what is going on….could you help??
Hey Shay,
What you are noticing is is the ring of dead white blood cells that sacrificed themselves fighting the invasion of the toxic saliva from the Mosquito Bite. Just follow the link to the ‘How to Treat Mosquito Bites’ post to alleviate the itch.
Thank you so much for your reply Marcus!! I’m not itching but I did have some tea tree oil so I applied that tonight to see if it makes a difference. I’m curious though how long it will take for these awful red bumps to go away?! It’s been really hot here & I want to wear shorts but my legs look awful & people look at me like I’m contagious!!
No problem, the way it seems this should be over in two days or so.
Don’t worry but be happy you are not allergic!
My son who is 5 has large sores and some small blisters all over his body even where he did not revieve bites. He has also areas where the friction of his waist band has caused sores and swelling. To be honest he is a gross mess. Even a scratch on his arm that was almost healef turned into a pussy sore.This is the second summer this has happened although this summer he has about 35 spots and only had about 6 last summer. Our doctor thought it was MRSA or another type if staph but the test came back negative. He has been on two antibiotics and now steriods. We have been seen by two other pediatrians in our doctors office and they are stumped. One thought was if this is some type of extreme inflamatory response to mosquito bites. We are frustrated because we spary our son with deet everyday and live Maine! Have you heard of such a response like this where a healthy child has such an extreme response that they develop blisters which turn into sores often with swelling in so many areas on the body? I have been taking pictures to document this to try and get answers.
Hello Jill, I want to make a couple suggestions and as always recommend you or anyone else to discuss these with your pediatrician first. Since you are spraying DEET on your son’s skin on daily basis I would suggest to use an alternative method in the form of an all natural-oil based repellent or a product containing no more than 30% DEET concentration. Your son might have a higher risk of DEET reaction because kids have a more sensitive and thinner skin which can develop rashes, redness, or a burning sensation. You can also try a clothing insect repellent instead of skin repellent or use a Mosquito Net at night if he sleeps in a room with open windows during summertime. See some of my recommended products on the right column of this page. Take good care of your son and I hope everything will work out for the best.
My son has been having the same EXACT type of reaction the passed two summers as well…….after he is bitten many sores will appear besides the actual bite. It has been frustrating to say the least. I am positive it is a reaction to the mosquitos because his skin clears up in the winter although the sores do leave hyperpigmented marks for many months after. I am just hoping this is something he grows out:/
Hi Lauren,
The sores around the bite maybe from scratching.
For the hyper pigmented marks you can choose a natural approach by rubbing them with natural cocoa butter, this lightens up dark spots on your kids body caused by mosquito bites and gives his skin a healthy glow. See page how to get rid of mosquito bite scars.
I am a 54 year old woman and have probably always been susceptible to mosquito bites. I have gotten about a dozen bites in the last several weeks and I assume they are from mosquitos, except I never see the bugs. I seem to have gotten them outside and inside, at work and at home and even somewhere between work and home and possibly in the car. When I’ve seen the bite right after being bitten it is a irregular shaped welt on the skin. Some of the bites have been smaller, red, itchy bumps – a normal bite. Others have swollen and many develop a fluid-filled blister that drains. I have been using natural insect repellent (Castor, Citronella, geranium, soybean, cedarwood, peppermint and lemongrass oils) but have managed to get 4 new bites in the since yesterday. Since I never see the mosquitos, is it possible I am being bitten by something else. I have one on my leg now where I was previously bitten and it swelled up about 4″ wide.
Hi there, yes you might have been bitten by something else than a mosquito like a bed bug (inside the house) or spider or tick if you have been outside a lot. You need to see a doctor or dermatologist and let them check any fresh bites so that they can determine what kind of bite it is. If you are allergic to one of these insect bites, you could try and take Cetirizine Hydrochloride tablets on a daily basis during summer as discussed in the above article under “Skeeter Syndrome”. This will suppress the allergy symptoms. Take good care!
Hello…I’m 37 with hard to control Graves disease. 48 hours ago I obtained approximately 15-18 what I assume were mosquito bites. The next morning I developed a fever and vomiting. The bites have scabs on them now and the vomiting has stopped. I still have a low grade fever however.the bite areas have small bruises around them and hurt. I am also still running a low grade fever. Just curious your opinion. Thanks
Hi there, sorry for my late reply because i was on vacation. Yes, I have heard hat people who have Graves disease might get a hypersensitive reaction to any insect bite. I would suggest seeing tour doctor because it is important to recognize if this is caused as part of Graves disease or something else. I would also suggest to read more on this site on how to prevent mosquito bites and try to make your surroundings free from mosquito breeding areas. Take care!
Tea tree oil does wonders for me!! My bites swell up as big as an orange and tea tree oil helps with the itching and swelling. Try it ya’ll!
The family joke is that if there is one Mosquito 100 miles away from me and I’m outside for 30 seconds, it will find me.
I am mosquito bate, indeed. Last night I got one bite that has my whole upper arm swollen, hot, red, and itchy. My reactions are worse this summer than ever before so I’m thinking that it’s a new type of mosquito. Benadryl, Aspirin, Cortisone Cream, Ice packs. Grrrrrr…… Thanks for listening 🙂
um hi so yesterday i got bite by mosquitos and todya i have the rashes and swollenup then my mother said im allergic and i was wondering what to do please help
Hi Lucia, Wash the bitten skin with antibacterial soap and water, then use a cold compression such as crushed ice wrapped in a towel. At night you might consider something like Tea Tree Essential Oil to stop the itching. Take a look at:
Good Luck! Marcus
Hi there, I am currently in thailand and have been bitten 8 times over the past 2 days. I have taken an antihistamine and also applied hydrocortisone cream. They are extremely irritating and large blisters have formed for 4 of them. I have always seemed more prone to mosquito bites than most but this is the first time I’ve had such an extreme reaction. It really does put a downer on my trip as I dont like to show my legs as they are covered with these big red circles. is this an allergic reaction? I got 3 like this last week and it took almost a week for the swelling to go down! I have popped one of the blisters as they are so gross and last time the one blister I left seemed to take even longer to heal! Please help! I have been applying lots of mosquito repellant im really at a loss!
Try to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes by sleeping under a mosquito net and/or use a natural insect repellant in the form of essential oils (I use lemongrass oil which is an excellent essential oilfor making your own body mosquito repellent spray)
Also avoid scratching your current Mosquito Bites at all times, I always recommend washing the infected skin with cold water and antibacterial soap first, pad the affected area dry and then apply a cold compression like a bag of crushed ice.
Antihistamines such as Loratadine are suitable for use in your situation and should ease the itching to some extent.
The Hydrocortisone cream should be used very sparingly. An antihistamine cream specially designed for use on mosquito bites or Natural Eaasential oils like Tea Tree or Lemongrass would be more suitable.
You need to be aware that bites do sometimes become infected.
If you notice that the area around a bite is becoming very red, hot, or swollen, it is always a good idea to arrange to see a doctor so that they can check if the bites are indeed infected.
Good luck and if you want you can read more on How to Treat Mosquito Bites.
Hey I’m 21 years old I have been hiding my skin ever since I’ve known myself,I tried alot of medication and visited alot of skin specialists. I’m allergic to insect bites. When I’m bitten by an insect it immediately swells up without me even touching it. After the swelling goes down in about two days time it leaves behind a dark bump, the dark bump is the worse part because the dark bump is the one that scratches alot. Leaving dark spots on my skin for years. Can you help me in any way I really want these dark spots to vanish.
Hi Andrea, try one of the the recommended Cocoa Butter Skin Moisturizers on the page how to get rid of mosquito bite scars. This should get rid of the dark spots over time. Take care! Marcus
Thank you for the quick response. I would definitely try some of those products.
Second this post. Been like this for 23 yrs now. The dermatologists chsrge really high and my scars/dark spots kept on reappearing. 🙁
Try Aloe Vera or Tea tree oil.
I recently returned from a trip to central Florida (I reside in Massachusetts). While on my vacation I received about ten bites. I would usually cover up or wear insect repellant but didn’t (I will take more care in the future). I have never had a non-typical reaction to mosquito bites but this time I did. There were 5 bites above my ankle on my right leg which swelled and the surrounding area became red, These bites just seemed to be much more intense than a typical bite. 4 bites were much more concerning; 2 below the ankle, one on big toe, and one on center toe of opposite foot. They swelled and the center became puss filled. I tried soaking in Epsom Salts – to no avail, tried antibiotic ointment – to no avail.
The bites on my leg are now minor bumps not itchy at all. The bites on ankle are still swollen while the bites on the toe don’t appear to have healed.
FYI – I have Alopecia Universalis, an autoimmune disorder causing total hair loss.
Do you know if this allergy is more likely related to potential regional differences in mosquito saliva or the autoimmune disorder? Would/could you please link any published studies related to the previous question?
I am 27 and have not had this sort of reaction to mosquito bites before, I have also visited this area several times in the past.
Hi Tim,
Your allergy and other types could certainly be affected due to regional differences because of certain mosquito species.
Besides the Aedes Aegypti Mosquito which can spread the Dengue fever, Yellow fever and the upcoming Chikungunya fever, there are clear signs that the more aggressive Asian Tiger Mosquito variant (Aedes albopictus) has invaded the southern parts of the USA and can spread these diseases faster because of their aggressiveness and can bite all day long, from early morning to nighttime.
My advice is to always protect yourself with a good Mosquito Repellant like the ones I recommend and also check your surroundings for standing water were mosquito’s larvae can breed.
Always take a compact Travel Mosquito Net with you next time you travel south or in the tropics.
Thanks for your inquiry because through this message I also want to wish all our followers the best for 2014 and to inform everybody that we will be updating our website soon with the latest news and studies about Mosquito Bite Allergies this upcoming season.
Kind Regards and Best Wishes, Marcus
Hi Marcus,
Thanks for getting back to me so promptly and for your kind regards. I will certainly be more diligent about covering up in the future, I guess I’m trying to understand the physiological mechanism that causes a non-typical reaction to a mosquito bite.
what I dont understand is why do I never get bitten by the mossies in the UK yet I go to Hong Kong n they cant get enough of me!! Noy only can the they not get enough of me but they cause me so much pain!
some bites I just get the small itchy bump but very commonly most of my bites swell to about the size of my palm or larger. They often cause my muscles to ache n feel week. Its very painful! for example this current one is on my fore arm, the size of the palm of my hand, no blisters or puss but I have this constant ache which is very painful running from my shoulder to my hand and my arm feels too weak to lift its own weight!!
Sorry for the late reply, i just wanted to tell you that you probably have been bitten by the Aedes Albopictus better know as the the Asian Tiger Mosquito with its characteristic black and white striped legs. These fierce mosquitoes are different from the mossies you are used to in the UK, HOWEVER they have also been discovered in the southeastern parts of the UK. These bloodthirsty creatures were introduced through the international trade of used tires and lucky-bamboo plants and belong to one of the most invasive species in the world. I hope the constant ache has gone by now. Be careful and prepare to protect yourself this summer and see my various tips on the website on this issue. Regards!
My 8 years old son having allergic to masquito bite. after bite little bit swelling and in the whole body arise a poppy seed size pops. suggest me a home remedy immediatly.
Please check our page how to treat amosquito bite. Best wishes!
I am 40 and have a similar case as others, however, whenever I’ve been to Hawaii, Puerto Rico, etc., I end up with many, many red welts that are extremely itchy. I’ve had over 20 welts on each leg. I am going on vacation, how can I prevent, it’s completely embarassing.
Hi Kimberly,
I have been using Essential Oils while i was in the Caribbean it worked pretty good. Try to get a small 4 or 6 oz. spraybottle then mix 1 oz. pure filtered water and mix about 60 drops or more to your liking of citronella, lemongrass, eucalyptus or lavender oil, you can also add 1/2 a tablespoon of vegetable glycerine. Now shake it well and spray it on your skin to repel mosquitos. In order to treat welts, you can use Tea Tree oil which is known to reduce itching swelling of the bites. My personal favorite essential oils are: Lavender, Rosemary, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Clove, Cajeput they works great together and spread a nice fragrance! Regards, Marcus
I’m 13 and highly allergic to mosquito bites. If I get bet the next few minutes its big and red and huge and if i touch it it burnsnlike crazy. And they get sooo itchy. And one i get one overnight i see three more that weren’t there before i live in NC and every spring or summer i have to stay inside because of it
Dear Kayla,
You don’t need to stay inside for the summer to avoid mosquito bites. There are several ways to repel mosquitoes and one of them is by carrying a spray bottle with you with a mixture of about 4 ot 6 ounces of distilled water and about 20 drops each of the following essential oils: Lavender, Citronella and Peppermint. You can also combine some Witch Hasel to the mixture if you’d like.
It is a natural proven way to ward off those pesky little buggers for a couple of hours. Just spray it on skin or clothes, it is safer then DEET and it has a nice fragrance. Hopefully this advise will keep you from spending this Summer indoors. Good luck!
I recently moved from the desert to Mississppi, I have recently got bitten which quickly turned into grape size blisters on one leg, on the other ankle it’s swollen size of golf ball and is really reddish pink.
I was concerned because I’ve never experienced this so I went to a doctors office and she poped both blisters, gave me a shot of Antibiotics, ointment, allery pill and more antibiotics.
She had never seen this before, and I am unsure what to expect going forward. Is this going to happen every time I get bitten?
Is there a pill to take to repel mosquito’s?
I think the blisters are filling back up, what do I do?
I do not have insurance and today’s doctors apt costed 245$ I can’t pay that every time.
Hi Celeste, Mosquito Bite Allergy is getting much more common nowadays. It looks like you are allergic to mosquito bites and yes there is an antihistamine which can help you to reduce the swelling.
Cetirizine Hydrochloride is an antihistamine and can be used to treat itching and swelling caused by a mosquito bite and is actually much more effective at relieving allergy symptoms than topical products.
Cetrizine works best when you have taken it a couple of hours before getting bitten. Please check with your health specialist first before using this. Good luck! Marcus
Hi , my son is 22 months and he started out with blisters from the bites and then noticed what looked like a rash that is similar to a bulls eye . I brought him to his doctor and she said ringworm is what he has ! I notice a rash this morning from his chest down to half his back and on his face, the bulls eye rashes are gone but are now just a swell and bigger rash then before . I have been giving him Benadryl like the doctors said to do but it is not going away. I am not even sure anymore what to think of as doctors all have me different opinions.! Calamine isn’t even relieving the itch what do I do and any idea what he may have ?
Hi Casandra, I advise you make an appointment with a dermatologist (if you haven’t done so already).
What appears first and what looks like a mystery “bulls eye” rash might also be caused by a a tick bite which can result in Lyme disease Ringworm symptoms shows almos the same symptoms as ringworm and is tough to detect.
Ringworm is the result of a fungal infection and causes itching and characteristic round spots that are reddish, inflamed with scaly rings that are about 1/4 an inch to an inch or so in diameter.There are similar characteristics between Lyme disease and Ringworm so go see the dermatologist in case the swelling has worsened.
For now you can use an essential oil rub of 100% all natural Tea Trea Oil to reduce the pain, itching and swelling. Just add two drops on a cotton swab and rub the affected areas. I would advise to try out on a small part on on the effected skin first ! Please note that Tea Tree essential oil should NOT be used on babies younger than 6 months.
My seven year old son has had two bad reactions from Mosquitos. The first time was a year ago when we visited family in Missouri. The morning we woke to leave for home my son was super swollen. Parts of his arms & areas of his face. We gave him benadryl and kept a close watch of him for our drive home. Because it was a weekend, we stopped at a immediate care type of doctor office. They just said that he probably got bit by something & was having a reaction, & continue the benadryl until swelling ceased. The second incident happened just yesterday when he woke me at 3 am saying that his arm & eye hurt. I flipped on the light and the poor kids left eye was so swollen, & close to his elbow as well. I gave him benadryl & made a doc appt as soon as the office opened. His pediatrician said that he seems hypersensitive to bug/mosquito bites & prescribed an antibiotic because the swelling on his arm was hot to touch. She also suggested that I give him benadryl DAILY for the entire summer. I’m no doctor, but giving him benadryl daily seems a little crazy. Thoughts?
Hello Amber, I will respond to your question in the same way i did to my previous comment: Make an appointment with a dermatologist. If you do not want your kid to take benadryl every day then ask if there is something else you can do to prevent mosquito bites.
Meanwhile I can give you some natural suggestions: Make your own natural mosquito repellent mix with with a few drops of essential oils that repel mosquitoes, mix it with a dab of witch hazel , then add some distilled water and put it in a small pocket sized spray bottle.
If your kid does not want to spray stuff on his skin or carry along a spray bottle, you might want to consider spraying his clothes with Mosquito Repellent clothing Spray.
If any windows are open at night, you might want to consider a mosquito net that covers the whole bed.
Hopefully these tips can help you and your family enjoy the summer this year.
Good luck and all the best!
i have mosquito allergy and i use the allergy comes daily if i didn’t take omnacortil
Omnacortil contains the active ingredient Prednisolone, which is a steroid class medication, it’s used to help reduce inflammation. It can also cause side-effects which may cause nausea, dizziness, raise bloodpressure and can cause fluid retention and weight gain. Ask tour doctor if this is the right medication for mosquito bite allergy. You might want to try Cetirizine which is an antihistamine but again please consult your doctor what is best for you. Good luck!
Hi Marcus, great to see you’re so attentive to your readers!
I have one question. Seems like I have the swelling that’s characteristic to a localized reaction. I actually have about 5 on my lower leg, and each one is swollen (about 10-15 cm in diameter). Red, warm, the whole shabang. The new thing is that my leg is now in pain… I suspect this is because my leg is swollen from several localized reactions, but I just wanted to confirm: should I be worried?
Hello Sam,
Sorry for my late reaction
Swelling and itching are always the results of mosquito bites. Your immune system reacts slightly more than average to the chemicals in the bites. If you are still experiencing swelling or other allergic reactions please see a doctor immediately.
Good Luck!
Okay for the past few years when I get mosquito bites they turn really red and it takes the redness for ever to finally go away (few weeks) and its usually only on my legs? I dont really get bit anywhere at all but my legs. I just dont understand why they’ve been turning fire for the past 2 years
First off I’d suggest a natural repellent such as mixing a few drops your favorite Essential oil with distilled water and witch hazel in a spray bottle. (see: the best mosquito repellent page) For treating mosquito bites follow the steps on: How to treat a mosquito bite and then i would suggest using Tea Tree oil to reduce the infected swelling area of your skin. If problems persist go see a doctor immediately. Hope this will help.
Hi there, it would seem I have severe reactions to mosquito bites as well. Being from the UK, where mozzies aren’t really that much of a problem for us, it would seem our bodies aren’t at all prepared for the full on attack we receive overseas. My first bad experience with them was in Bulgaria, 2002 aged 16. Fortnight holiday, no apparent bites until the end of the first week. I was violently sick and had multiple swollen pus-filled bites across my body yet, I swear I never saw one mosquito. I came back to England a week earlier than scheduled, I was given a range of anti-histamines by the doctor, all of which disagreed with me leading to anaphylaxis. I was out cold for 5 minutes in the garden when I came to and found paramedics rushing towards me. Later that day the nurses told me that I’m allergic to anti-histamines. I was hospitalized for 2 weeks and told I had a mild strain of a not quite known variation of malaria! I think they were trying to make me feel special.. 🙂 3 notable vacations then went by and at this point I’ve pretty much forgotten that horrendous moment in my life. Bring on Egypt, 2012 aged 26. Night 1 of 14, I’d used DEET sprays through the course of the day, set up room plug-ins etc., yet I was bitten 98 times across both legs whilst sleeping. Day 2, itchy white lumps. Day 3, swollen red lumps and finding it difficult to walk. I found the resort clinic and was stared at in awe by the doctor and assistant, both dressed rather unprofessional looking. It was very unnerving, the examination room was the size of a walk-in wardrobe. I had all the saliva filled lumps removed over 2 hours via scalpel, whilst on a saline and antibiotic IV. Guess what?! I then went into anaphylactic shock, again, this time adrenaline and dexamethasone was applied, welcome to the weirdest feeling ever. The glands in my body felt like they’d all deflated in the space of 5 seconds. My ‘nether regions’ felt like they were being crushed. Ouch. A new lease of life was given to me for the rest of that day, something the daily steroid injections were to take away from me for the rest of the holiday. I was anxious and not “with the program” as it were, the rest of my time there due to the meds I’d been pumped with. On returning home I shook uncontrollably for 3 days, and on visiting the doctors I was given the anti-anxiety drug Sertraline, to calm my nerves. I have now suffered with panic attacks on and off since that holiday, thankfully I weaned myself off the Sertraline 9 months further down the line. I don’t feel I’ve been the same really since all these allergies started. I still however, appreciate as much advice given by fellow sufferers as I do want to still have holidays abroad. But given my slightly different circumstances what can I possibly use to combat these flying b*stards?
Good luck all!
Regards, Pete.
That is quite a story Pete. Thanks for sharing. I would immediately think of one important recommendation and that is to get at least the full protection at night by using a mosquito net or bed net. This mosquito net will prevent all the bites you would normally get when you are sleeping.
During daytime try to make a natural essential oil combination diluted in witch hazel and distilled water in a spray form that will drive away mosquitoes and at the same time smells nice and can soothe your mind and soul. Take care and please visit us back soon.
Recently started an internship at a national park. Some of my mosquito bites act like ‘normal’ mosquito bites but the ones on my legs and arms get really swollen if I scratch them and remain swollen for a few days. I’ve found that not scratching lowers swelling and that Benadryl cream works really well. Unfortunately, all of my bites whether they were viciously scratched or left alone leave behind a little dark mark. I remember having all those dark marks all over my legs when I was younger and apparently got attacked relentlessly by mosquitoes and they eventually went away after some years so I’m hoping that will happen again. :/ I think the ones on my ankles are the worst because they rub against my shoe. Right now one of my bites is a large bump with the the bite in the center and it feels like a bruise. I haven’t tried the benadryl against such a large swollen area but I will be sure to try tonight. Thanks for posting all this info. I was really frantic because I couldn’t understand what was happening to me!
Hi Samantha,
Always disinfect the affected area with water and soap first, then use a cold compress. After this use some Tea Tree essential oil on the swollen area as i discussed earlier in some posts. This is a more natural approach and will help you get rid of the swelling fast, All the best!
I’m 15 years old and I get mosquito bites all the time. I have noticed that over the past few years they become extremely swollen and hot when they are on my legs and arm. I currently have one on the back of my thigh and it’s about the size of four band aids. I told my mom about it and she didn’t seem to think anything of it, should I see a doctor? It’s really itchy and the swelling isn’t going away, what should I do?
Hello Tori,
First wash the affected area with soap and water, dry the skin carefully and then use a cold compress or some crushed ice wrapped in a towel (never put an ice-cube directly on the skin). Then, make an appointment with your doctor to diagnose the swollen areas especially if they are getting worse. You will get the medication that you will need to treat the bites. After you have visited your doctor please read our article on this website on How to Prevent Mosquito Bites to prevent yourself from being bitten by any insect this summer. Best wishes!
I often get bit by mosquitos im always a target for them and when I get bit I feel it right away and I swell very easily and they get around the size of a small golf ball any idea why that is?
Hi Natalia,
go see a doctor soon to determine wether you are allergic or if this is a one time only reaction to mosquito bites. Meanwhile try making your own natural bug repellent spray with a mix of essential oils that you can cary along, it not only repels mosquitoes but leaves behind a nice smell not like ordinairy bug sprays.
I have always been allergic to mosquito bites. They swell up, get infected, and are red and swollen at least an inch in all directions from the bite itself. My daughter is not allergic, thankfully. The problem is, we have been getting bitten by mosquitos inside our house. Maintenance is working on it, supposedly, but what can we do in the mean time? Bug spray doesn’t work on me or her – we get bit regardless of what bug spray we use. Anti-itch stuff hasn’t been helping me at all. It helps her mildly. Right now we both have over 20 bug bites. I am miserable. I can’t sleep because of the itching and the pain. She can’t stop scratching them because she doesn’t understand how bad it is to scratch them. We need help.
I’m going to take some benadryl today just to help with the itching, but it doesn’t help with anything else. And even helping the itching is questionable – sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.
Also, what are the symptoms of West Nile that I need to look out for? It’s known that the mosquitos in our area carry it, and with the amount we’re being bitten, I am very concerned. (The over 20 bug bites that we both have are just since Saturday evening).
Hi Amber why don’t you try the all natural bug-off synergy blend with spray bottle on the right. Also consider sleeping under a mosquito net which protects you from being bitten at night and at the same time adds a decorative touch to your interior. For more ideas and information on West-Nile disease and how to prevent mosquito bites please visit our website.
Hi. Last year I started to get an allergic reaction to a mosqito bite or a spider bite (I’m not sure which) but now I’m allergic to mosqitoes! Yesterday I went hiking with some friends and came back covered in bites and all of them got swollen that night. They are really abnormal shapes, very tough, and are less red than usual. Usually the shape is an oval but these ones are very weird and random. One has a bite that is a white circle but it is surrounded by a pink area around it. It seems like I’ve been bit by something different. And I can’t find where the bite is exactly located because I can’t see it. This is very confusing. Did I get allergic reaction to something else then? And when I touch the swollen area it feels very hot which is normal for me. It is very hard to resist the urge to scratch it! What should I do and do you know what is causing this?
Hello, you might have been bitten by something else than a mosquito. Bites that are pink on the outside, with a white circle in the middle indicates a typical spider or even a tick bite.
Best thing you can do is to see a doctor soon to check these bites. Meanwhile just make sure you wash the bite and follow the first steps on our article How to Treat a Mosquito Bite This will keep any swelling down and stops the urge to itch the infected skin. Good luck!
Is it normal to form a bruise like dark colorong from bites after the swelling has gone down? These dark marks appear on my skin are relatively the same size as the swelling, do not hurt, but take weeks even months to fade!! Is there anything out there that can help this condition?
Yes there are, read the article on how to get rid of mosquito bite scars.
I have the same problem here in florida whit mosquito, I use maximum cortizone 10 and take benedrul soon I get bites and swelling, it really helps, if the effect of benedryl make u to tired, take a halft in the morning and in the night
Hey Marcus. I need help… My 3.5 year old son is under attack!! We live in mississippi and every time we go outside I spray him down with deep woods off which contains deet as all if the other “natural” repellents don’t work. I think they actually draw the Mosquitos to him. Anyways, whenever he gets bitten which is numerous times every time he instantly swells up and turns red. The site is 2-3″ around with the bite mark in the middle and they swell severely. He got bit above his right eye on his hairline and his eye swelled shut, got bit on his left calf and it doubled in size and now he has a bite on his left jawbone and the whole left side of his face is severely swollen… What should I do?? I use Afterbite itch eraser, Benadryl itch cooling gel, extra strength Benadryl cream. I’ve even gone as far as using witch hazel and deodorant with an ice pack as I’m desperate to find some relief for my little one. Any suggestions would be nice. Thanks in advance for the help!!!!
Hi Jesicia, Please see a pediatrician soon to check if your son is allergic. You can read the following posts on How to Treat a Mosquito Bite and also 4 Steps to a Mosquito Proof Home so that your son’s chance of getting bitten will be greatly diminished. Take good care.
Hey Marcus,
Thanks for hosting the site. It looks like there aren’t many resources for this type of thing.
I’m 29 and had never had a severe allergy to mosquito bites until this week.
I got bit 3 days ago, and initially thought it was a spider bite since it swelled up (~5in diameter) and was red. I went to the same place yesterday and got a mosquito bite (this one I saw / killed while he was on me), and am having the exact same reaction.
I’ve read all of the posts, and have just ordered some Cetrizine. I also plan on ordering some topical cream (which one?). I plan on trying both, individually over the summer, to try and narrow down what works best for me.
I had a couple questions for you:
1. Right now – the only two severe bites I’ve had – My symptoms are large swollen area with moderate itchiness. Do these allergies typically get worse over time (years)?
2. Do people ever “grow out” of these allergies? (Anecdotally, I used to get pretty bad hay fever, but it isn’t very severe anymore).
3. Is there any permanent, or semi-permanent, treatment/vaccine/etc?
Thanks again for your time. Much appreciated.
Hi Tyler,
Thanks for your comments. We try to provide the best tips on avoiding and treating mosquito allergies. Unfortunately these allergies will not get any better over the years and at this time there is no specific treatment but using medications like Cetirizine to prevent and reduce allergic symptoms. There are new breeds of mosquitoes that have invaded the USA such as the Asian Tiger Mosquito. This type of mosquito is much more aggressive than the common mosquito and can bite all day long which causes a heavier allergic reaction.
Try to follow the tips on this site how to treat and avoid bites. I would suggest trying Essential oils. For instance: treat any mosquito bites by applying 1-3 drops of tea tree oil with a cotton swab directly to the bite. Tea tree oil reduces the itch and heals the bite fast. For repelling mosquitoes you can use a small spray bottle mixed with distilled water and a combination of various drops of your favorite smelling Essential oils described in our Best Mosquito Repellent article. Hope this can help you out! All the best, Marcus.
Hi I was bitten about 2 days ago by a mosquito and at first, it looked like a normal bite but then it started to swell up real bad around the area I was bitten (ankle). Today it has gotten worse and my whole foot is swollen. I feel slight itchiness but no pain, no inflammation, or anything. I’ve been icing for several hours now and my only concern really is how to get rid of the swelling or at least decrease it.
Hello Serena, First wash the bite with anti-bacterial soap, dry carefully and then use a cold compress as described in our article: How to Treat a Mosquito Bite. Good luck!
I’m 27 and maybe 3 years ago, my mosquito bite started to swell up more than my usual one from when I was younger. I used to be out door a lot younger(fishing with the parents) and have gotten bitten by a lot of mosquitoes. When I hit a certain age, there may have been a 10 year gap where I wasn’t exposed to these type of enviorment. I am now, and the reactions are a lot different. Could I have developed an allergic reaction? Just for clarification, these bite typically happen either out of country or out of town. I don’t usually get a lot of mosquito bites back home, but when I do, they’re the normal typical reaction. Exposed to different mosquitos? I heard the Asian Tiger mosquitos can do this.
I had 4 mosquito bites on my left leg from a fishing trip by the river two weeks ago, 3 of which swelled big and itched like mad, my 4th one were just a topical mosquito bite that swell but went away the next day. My swelling and itchiness are usually localized. No feaver, no blister, just intense intching and large swelling around the bite sight. Been taking benadryl and using moist hot towels for compression which relieves the itch the day. The bite sight has since gone down, leaving behind a slight bruise where the swelling were, but they’re fading. These bites on my leg turn a dark shade of red when I’m standing, when I have my leg elivated above my heart, the red bruise fades slightly. Can you help explain my condition? I don’t think I have a skeeter syndrome because not all my mosquito bites become big.
Different breeds of mosquitoes give different reactions after being bitten. So yes, depending on your location and if you are new to that location you might get severe reactions than you are used to at home. You might have been bitten by an Asian Tiger Mosquito which are known to have invaded Central and South America, Southern Europe and also the USA. These are the more aggressive type of mosquitoes and are known to bite all day long.
I would suggest using a cold compress instead of hot. This way it helps the blood vessels constrict. Swelling should always be treated with cold compress. See if the conditions persists and if so i would suggest seeing a doctor right away. Good luck!
Hello Marcus,
Please help me!
I am South African and I am on holiday in Florida, USA. I have been bitten over 60 times all over my body! I literally have bites on my face, these have swollen up and puss with blisters. My neck is inflamed, my back is covered in bites and very hot to the touch!
My arms are swollen, my feet are swollen and my wrists as well. I can barely function! I am in constant pain, they throb, they blister and puss. I have severe swelling and I am honestly concerned now.
I have taken Benadryl and finished a pack since Sunday, I have tried every repellent, every home remedy… Everything !
Marcus I need help please, I need to feel better. I am on holiday here and I am mostly bed ridden and scared to go out of the house in fear of being bitten.
I eagerly await your soonest response, thank you so much!!
Tarren, i am replying as quickly as possible to start off with one remedy and that is to try and stop the itching and the burning feeling of the bites. Get some ice cubes, wrap them in a towel and crush them. Then use this as a cold compression on the affected skin. What helps even better is to take a shower first and use antibacterial soap to disinfect the bites. After drying off use the crushed ice method I mentioned above. When the swelling has stopped try to use the home remedies i mention on this site and in our‘ how to treat a mosquitobite’ article. Hope you will be fine soon and be able to enjoy your Florida vacation!
Can you advise as to why only my legs & arms react badly to a mosquito bite. I have one on each ankle & both have caused my foot to swell & my feet actually hurt to walk on. Yet if I am bitten on my chest I just have the normal itchy bump that goes away quickly.
Hello Becky,
Mosquitoes will bite any exposed skin but they often bite multiple times, most commonly on the feet, legs and arms which produces a more immediate reaction.
There are lots of blood vessels close to the skin around your foot and ankle so a bite will be more sensitive around this area. It is also known that Mosquitos are attracted to foot odor.
I would suggest using a natural spray to cover your legs, ankles and feet as explained in our article Prevent Mosquito Bites. All the best!
I have always had horrible reactions to mosquitoes and have learned to deal with them over the years. However, 2 days ago I got 5 bites and they are all swollen and large. In fact, one bite that is on my thigh is so swollen that it is the size of a melon, raised about and inch off my skin, red, and radiating significant heat. My knee is also significantly swollen as it also has a bite one it. I have done ice, Benadryl, Zyrtec, and anti-itch medicines but nothing is helping. I wanted to get any other pointers and/or understand if anyone has gotten an allergy shot for mosquitoes. I am just not sure how much more I can take this! Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hello Kristin,
The best thing to do is to make an appointment with a doctor and see if you have skeeter syndrome. Also the best way to avoid an allergic reaction is to avoid being bitten. Make sure your surroundings are free of standing water, even the smallest amount is a possible breeding place for mosquitoes. Have you tried Hydrocortisone cream for the swelling? You might also want try to use a more natural approach like trea tea or lavender essential oil which can help treat swelling and reduce inflammation. Good luck!
I hope someone has got an aswer to my question.
up to 19 years old I used to live in an EU country where I got bitten by Mosquitos all the time with no reaction and only a small red spot.
then I moved to uk and now I’m 29 years old and if I get a mosquito bite it gets big and swollen and very itchy.
I do know that you can develop an allergic reaction when adult and especially after a very long time.
but my question is.. if I let myself bitten will I become resilient to them again or will I get this allergic reaction for the rest of my life? and also, are there any other solutions other than Mosquito spray?
Thank you
Hi Dana,
I am afraid you will not get resilient fast when you let yourself being bitten by mosquitoes. Trying to avoid mosquito bites is the most important thing you can try to do. In case there is no way you can avoid being bitten take some anti-histamine tablets in the form of Cetirizine Hydrochloride. Taken daily it will prevent the swelling and helps deal with mosquito bites and its immediate allergic reactions. It can be taken everyday. Check the above link in this article where to get it. All the best.
ive never had a problem with mosquitos before this year (except being one of those people who attracts every one in a 10 mile radius lol) this year (my second in thisstate) ive discovered im allergic to what seems to be a specific kind. bites cause huge(to me) welts when on my upper arms and backs of my shoulders, and extreme pain and itchiness no matter where they bite. soihave a tip and a question:
TIP: benadryl (or otc) (1 or 2 pills depending on severity/number of bites AND whetheryou can afford to fall asleep if your one of theones a full dose knocks out. also generously apply benadryl cream…you CAN use both…directly to each and every bite. if you dont have that. generously apply hydrocortizone cream to every bite (and i mean even when rubbed in yhou can still see it. then reapply about 5-10 mins later when you cant see the first application anymore.) that willusually reduce the swelling (tho it does remain nbiggerthen normal people recieve) and knocks out the pain and itching, tho itching to a lesser extent will occure once everything is worn off if you dont take benadryl again 4-6 hrs later
QUESTION: does anyone know why the bites swell more on the upper arm then anywhere else on the body? has anyone else noticed this?
Hi Aly,
Swelling can occur anywhere on your body especially on your face, arms or legs if you have been bitten multiple times in the same area.
A couple of notes if you are going to use topical hydrocortisone. You can get this without a prescription but i would always consult your doctor or pharmacist on the choice that is best for you. Never use this medication on the face or underarms or cover it with a bandage.
Gently rub a small amount on the affected skin and do not use it for a prolonged time. Do not use it if you are pregnant. Hydrocortisone might cause side-effects such as nausea/vomiting or diarrhea. If itching or burning persists stop using it.
I would take a much more natural approach to treating a mosquito bite and that is to use essential oils like Tea Tree oil or Lavender oil with their antimicrobial properties that can heal skin infections naturally. Put a couple of drops on a cotton ball and rub gently on the affected area. These essential oils work great to relieve insect bites especially when you apply them immediately. Do not use Tea Tree oil on babies younger than 6 months because it might dry up their delicate skin. Lavender oil however is safe to use on infants.
I’m allergic to mosquitos and I live in a tropical country. 2 days ago I got bitten on my little finger and the other arm. My entire hand and arm swell the next day. I put my topical steroid as usual. Then at night I noticed a rash and swelling going all the way up my arm!!! It looked like a long line of hives rashes! Doctor said to take antihistamines and oral steroids. Is this a sign of allergy getting worse?
Sounds like you have severe allergic reactions but is better to let your doctor answer this question to be sure. All the best!